December 10, 2013

¡feliz cumpleaños!

Yeah! It's my birthday. It really was just like any other day out here at BYUI, which means that it was really stinking awesome. But I was just struck throughout the day how many people I've become friends with in the past couple of months. It's so weird to think about because I didn't really think I had that many at all. However, as I was walking around campus today and ushering at devotional and talking to my friends in class ... I realized that I had made a little impact on others while I was here. I think that I could have done a waaaaaaay better job of living my life to the fullest out here, but I am satisfied that, for the first semester at least, I did the best I knew how to do. From now on it will only get better!

I took my first college final today in Español. It was AWESOME. I felt really confident. I think that I will do well on my last chapter test for Spanish as well. (I'm taking that one tomorrow). I also have a Business Final and an ED200 final tomorrow ... I'm not too stressed out. I have a final clean check tomorrow ... and then at two in the morning Thursday, I'm out of here.

It's gone by so fast and I hate that I have to say it. (What a cliche thing!). However, I am soooo grateful for the time that I have spent here at BYUI. I am also so grateful for the nineteen years that I've had on this earth. It's been nothing but blessings ... I am just trying to enjoy the journey.

Hey, by the way ... I leave on my mission next week. A week from tomorrow!! AHHHHHHH! So, my blogposts will become a lot more regular because my mom is going to be taking over for me for the next couple of months (thanks, Mom!). I can't wait to start this new adventure in my life!

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