July 24, 2012

getting to know you

Just for the heck of it, my sister, cousin, and I are going to let you in on our super cool lives/personalities. Prepare to be amazed.

  • Who was your favorite celebrity as a child? Brenna -- Dylan Sprouse because he was on my favorite TV show and I found him verrrrry cute. Laney -- Who didn't I like? Savannah -- Alexander Hamilton because he is the coolest of all the founding fathers and the hottest. A bit of a contradiction, but he pulls it off. 
  • What type of pets do you have? Brenna -- I have two neurotic cats. Laney -- Does a pet rock count? Savannah -- Two dogs and two rent-a-cats. And Spencer.
  • What is your favorite color? Brenna -- Midnight blue. Laney -- Yellow is my favorite color because it's SO happy. Just looking at it makes me want to smile. Savannah -- Brown because it matches my personality.
  • What is most memorable about your high school years? Brenna -- Seminary because it is super fun and spiritual. Laney -- I am sure leaving will be sweet. Savannah -- The days when I'm not there.
  • What word describes you best? Brenna -- Who-vian. Laney -- Crazy(awesome). Savannah -- Ostentatious.
  • What is your greatest accomplishment? Brenna -- Being a big sister. Laney -- Earning my YW medallion. Savannah -- Watching every episode of the Twilight Zone ever made.
  • What drives you every day? Brenna -- Knowing my Heavenly Father loves me. Laney -- Optimism! Savannah -- Laney.
  • What is your favorite food? Brenna -- My favorite food ... um ... Anything foreign. Laney -- Sushi, hands down. Savannah -- Mix of canned corn and canned mushrooms.
  • Where do you want to retire? Brenna -- With this economy, what does retirement mean? Laney -- On an island that I own, tanned, well-rested and alone ... and probably surrounded by enormous piles of money. Savannah -- The moon, which I colonized myself.
  • Where do you like to vacation? Brenna -- With my family. Laney -- Where ever the wind may take me. To Zanzibar! Savannah -- On the moon, while I'm colonizing it.
  • Who do you admire? Brenna -- Nephi and the Tenth Doctor. Laney -- Studs. Righteous studs (and babes). Savannah -- Alexander Hamilton. Without him, there would be no taxes, but there would be no money.
  • If you were invisible, where would you go? Brenna -- I don't know ... do yours and Savannah's. Laney -- Okay, Brenna! I would probably go somewhere really crowded and hit random people with Books of Mormon. Savannah -- I would probably go to the theater and watch movies that I would be embarrassed to watch otherwise.
  • What traits in others are you attracted to? Brenna -- Handy. Always smiles. Compliments my inner self. Laney -- Servant's heart. Solid testimony. Stud. Savannah -- Founding father status. Hotness factor of 11 (on a scale of 1-10). And that's just about it.
  • How do you want to be remembered? Brenna -- Someone who wasn't afraid to do what was right. Laney -- The nicest Molly Mormon in the world. Savannah -- Riddler-esque Batman villain.
  • What would you do with a million dollars? Brenna -- I would go to Scotland and meet David Tennant. Laney -- I would buy waterfront property. Investment, investment!! Savannah -- Go to fund my  Riddler-esque Batman villain status. There's not a whole lot of money in that.
  • If you were on an island, who would you want to be with? Why? Brenna -- Jacob Baker because he is always prepared. Laney -- Thomas S. Monson ... is this even a question? Savannah -- Not the captain of the Titanic.
  • You have a 10 minute speech to give at a high school, what is it about? Brenna -- The Truth about Mormons. Laney -- The Dangers of Hand holding. Savannah -- After spinning the wheel of Disney songs, I give an inspirational speech about never giving up to the song Savages from Pocahontas.
  • We're pretty hot, huh?

    1 comment:

    1. hahahahahaha. I don't even know what to say. Now I can't get the idea of Alexander Hamilton's studliness out of my head. Please make it stop! And the dangers of hand holding? Are you my child?



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