2015 was pretty momentous for me!
Sadly, but also awesomely, I came home to experience the biggest challenge of my life. My life. I was at home to see my sister Savannah get her mission call to Bakersfield, California. I went to the temple with her. I taught Sunbeams (the five year olds at church) about repentance and how to appreciate clothes. I spent some time finally learning to knit and getting caught up on the pop culture I missed during my 18 month service as a missionary.
I went to school at BYUI. I was called as the Relief Society president. I made so many friends that shaped and influenced me to become a better person. I learned more about myself and what I want for my future. My classes stretched and helped me to view the world with different eyes. I got closer to Heavenly Father in so many ways -- through scripture study and prayer. I started the process of applying to become an EFY counselor.
It was a beautiful year.
I love it when a New Year happens. It offers a new start -- no matter how crazy a year has been, a new year gives new opportunities. No matter how wonderful a year has been, a new year can hold the promise of a year that is even more spectacular.
It is amazing to think that EVERY PERSON HAS BEEN GIVEN THE SAME 365 DAYS THIS YEAR! But what I made of my year is completely different than the next person because of the choices I did or didn't make. I want to use my time more efficiently this next year in order to learn, grow, and experience even more than I was able to this past year.
It's quite the challenge -- because, like I said, I had a pretty stinking incredible year. But I have a couple of goals for 2016 that I want to accomplish.
So, without further ado, my goals!
1. I am going to get control of my finances! The apostles counseled about this in the past General Conference, so I am going to learn to live by a budget and the principle of SAVING money! Dave Ramsey tapes, here I come.
2. I am going to eat healthily and work out every day. I really want to start forming healthy habits so that it will be easier for me to maintain in the future. I plan on following a meal calendar and taking advantage of the workout classes that are offered at BYUI.
3. I am going to blog once a week! I feel like blogging would offer me a good time to think introspectively and focus on the big lessons that I learn throughout the year.
4. Spiritually, I want to prepare better to keep the Sabbath Day holy by reading the lessons for each class before Sunday. Also, I want to attend the temple once a week!
There are a lot of other things that I want to accomplish in 2016, but for now, I feel like this is a good list to work on! Wow! The potential awesomeness of this year is hitting me right now. I am so grateful that each day is a blank slate that I can write my story on each day. I am especially grateful to Jesus Christ who made that possible. He makes every day possible!
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