February 16, 2015

Week Sixty-One: Master, the Terror is Over

Our Sector
Area: Penco
Companion: Hermana Antillon

Dear familia,


The first reason is Hermana Antillon is my companion. I seriously have enjoyed being with her so much. She is spastic and random and helps me to feel like myself. I feel like we already have a good companionship unity and the members already love her a ton. I am so excited for the rest of this cambio with her. We have got a lot of goals that we want to accomplish and I know that with the good attitude that we both have, we are going to be able to accomplish them.

How many books does it take to get an answer?
It was fun leading the sector around. I haven't done it in quite a while and I forgot how interesting the transition is between being comp menor to being comp mayor. It's a little more stressful than what I remembered ... just because I love Penco so much and I want Hermana Antillon to have as good of an experience here. There was one day where we didn't have a whole lot to do and I felt really embarrassed ... but then something incredible happened.

Suddenly, all of the things about missionary work that I knew in my head sunk into my heart. I thought ... Heavenly Father is really in charge of this work. Why am I even stressed out about it? So I said a thousand prayers and then I gave my mission over to Him. And He is already taking it places. We were able to help sooo many people this week. I felt like I was following the Spirit with the words that I said and the decisions that I made. Wow ... It only took me a bazillion years longer than it should have for me to realize that.

On Monday, we went to the terminal to pick up Hermana Antillon and Hermana Sheppard. We were there waiting FOREVER ... but it was so worth it ... because randomly, I saw MANUEL!!!! I am not much of a cryer anymore. I got over that in Tomé ... But when I saw Manuel, I started to bawl. He has been progressing so well in the Gospel and it makes me sooo happy. He told me with so much joy in his heart that he had just baptised someone last week. (This is awesome because we worked soooo hard with him so he could understand the importance of Priesthood authority). He is going out with the missionaries and has a calling ... even though he is working now a ton as a taxi driver. I hadn't seen him since his baptism and it was such a pleasure to catch up with him. PURE JOY.

I was talking to Hermana Arndt after that tearful reunion and she said, "I heard all about Manuel from Hermana Caceres ... I love that story." And I realized that I have been part of a miracle. I have always wanted to have cool stories from my mission ... and without even realizing it ... I have gained so many cool stories. I have this fear that I am going to be like those RM's that always say, "When I was on my mission ..."

Did you know that I have completely changed on my mission? It's happened really slowly up until this point, but now I really feel like a different person. I am SOOOO HAPPY. I became so happy without even realizing it. I don't even know how to describe how happy I am or how grateful I am.

Another cool miracle. There is this recently reactivated guy that has been without a job for sooooo sooo long. He had a job when he was inactive and just when he started to cumplir with the comandments and everything, he lost it all. It has been so hard for him and his small family. This past week, we shared a really spiritual lesson with them and suggested that we do a fast so that he could get a job. We did the fast ... and less than a week later, HE FOUND A JOB!!

I really think that there is sooo much that Heavenly Father is willing to do for us if we hand everything over to him. He has such a perfect plan and I am lucky to be a part of that! Sometimes, we get so stressed out about the little things ... but when I stop to think about it, Heavenly Father knows me and knows what is best for me ... so stressing isn't really necessary. I just have to work my hardest and he will make up the rest.

We sang Master, The Tempest is Raging in church on Sunday and I got a little emotional. Maybe it is  ... but I thought about how I have really gone through the second verse ... like where I have felt like I am drowning in despair and helplessness ... but I feel like I am sailing on smooth water here. Yes, I am doing well. I am doing well.

I love you all so much! Have a great, great, great week!!


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