June 20, 2011

lions, and hiders, and burgers -- OH MY!

As a Young Woman at church, there are plenty of opportunities for babysitting.

I'm always busy with requests from people needing a break or a little bit of help, and I do not mind in the least. Not only does it give me something to do, but I also love playing and giggling with little children. It has definitely become a kind of routine without structure for me.

Sometimes, something wonderful happens. Not only do I get to spend a good chunk of time with nothing but babysitting (which I enjoy no matter what the temperament of the chillin's), but I also get to spend a good chunk of time with wonderful, imaginative kids.

For example, there is one family that I go to babysit at quite frequently. Their kids are so sweet, and they are always so willing to play when I'm full to the brim with energy and relax when I need a rest. It seems like they can see into my emotions, and they know when I am not quite as into it as I SHOULD be. I learn so much from their little excursions with me that I am sometimes astounded.

Today, I got the chance to babysit for the momma at The Cloth Diaper Report. She is such a lovely lady, and her kids are equally swell. I had such a great time playing baby lions and hide-and-seek with the kids that I felt like I was barely working. They supplied the ideas and I simply had to play along and act certain situations out.

I feel like every time I go out and do things like babysitting, I am getting a little bit more prepared to be a mom myself. My mom says she expects grandchildren in a maximum of ten years. It's coming up, and I need all the help I can get. As motherhood looms in the horizon, I, personally, couldn't be more excited.

1 comment:

  1. You will be a wonderful mother one day! I wish I had a chance to have you watch Noah, heaven knows I need a break today! haha Love ya!



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